Choosing a Program

Education Abroad and National Student Exchange currently offers more than 100 programs in over 35 countries and within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. International destinations include programs in Canada, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia/New Zealand, Africa, and the Middle East. So, you can travel to most destinations with an approved program, as long as it's safe to travel there! But with so many options, how can you know which program to choose? A few of the key elements you will need to consider when selecting a program are: 

Academic Goals: Which program offers the courses I need to meet my degree requirements?

Term: When is the best time for me to go abroad?

Cost: Which program works best for my budget? What is the cost of living and exchange rate compared to home?

Location: Will the location I select determine the language of instruction? Will it meet a language requirement?

Type of Program: Which type of program best matches my overall needs? 

With the help of your Advisor, you will be able to narrow it down to the program that best suits your needs, while giving priority to the key factors that matter the most to you. To see what programs are available, use the NMSU Education Abroad Program Search and view programs by country, city, term, and much more.

Program Search

Academic Goals

We ask that you bring your Star Degree Audit to your first advising appointment. This will give us an overview of the types of courses you need, to get a better idea of how flexible your program selection can be. Course equivalencies are determined by your College/Department, with the assistance of a faculty or staff member assigned to you to act as an advisor (not the same as your CAASS Advisor).



Programs are offered year-round, giving students the option to study for a semester, academic year, or for a shorter-term during spring break, winter break, or the summer. It's important that you share your intentions to participate in a program with anyone who is involved in your decision. Meet with an Education Abroad Advisor or the National Student Exchange Coordinator and your Academic Advisor early, and plan ahead for any specific academic restrictions you may have. For example, there may be some NMSU courses that are only offered in the fall, so you may want to participate in a program in the spring instead. Another common example is participating in a program during your senior year, since this requires special authorization from your college, and would likely delay your graduation. Some are more practical in nature, such as the amount of time that you feel comfortable being away from home, or missing an important personal event. But whatever the case may be, plan in advance and let us know your preference during our advising appointments!



All programs are not made equal, but what is the real cost of participating in an Education Abroad or National Student Exchange program? The cost will vary, depending on the program you choose, but generally you should look at the difference between the cost of your program and cost of attendance at NMSU. Many programs have similar cost of attendance as a semester at NMSU. You should also consider how much financial aid will be available to you during each term. Perhaps, at first sight, a semester program is more expensive than a summer program, but if you receive more aid during a regular semester, it may not be more expensive after all. Meet with your Financial Aid Advisor to go over their policies and any other questions you have. You will need to factor in the cost of living in the country/state you have selected compared to Las Cruces, as well as the exchange rate of the local currency against the U.S. Dollar if you are in an international destination. The cost of living will be higher in some locations and lower in others, even within the same country. Similarly, currency exchange rates will be more favorable in some countries than in others. We recommend that you come up with a budget and take that into consideration when selecting your program. As a reminder, don’t forget to apply for scholarships!



Remember how we said you could go pretty much anywhere, as long as it’s safe to travel there? We determine a country’s safety based on the recommendations issued by the U.S. Department of State. Per NMSU policy, traveling is limited to locations/countries listed as Level 1 and Level 2 on U.S. Department of State travel advisory system. If you are looking to learn a foreign language, it is best to select a program in a country that speaks that language. However, this should not be a limiting factor in your program selection, as many programs offer courses taught in English, meaning you are not required to be fluent in or in the process of learning the foreign language. In such cases, you may want to consider other factors, such as culture and overall interest in the region of your program.


Types of Education Abroad Programs

There are different types of Education Abroad programs available through our office, to meet the needs of each of our students. The main types of programs available through Education Abroad are:

Exchange Programs are some of the most popular programs because they offer the opportunity to study at one of our partner universities, for a semester or a year, while paying NMSU in-state tuition. Students are fully integrated with local students and housing is most often acquired by the student independently through the host university’s international or housing office. As a result, exchange programs require that students exhibit a great degree of independence, personal responsibility, and self-direction, since it will be up to you to define your goals, identify resources, make connections, and seek help when necessary.

Direct programs are offered year-round and are recommended for students who would prefer to have a greater amount of support and flexibility. They can be a good alternative to exchange programs, as they will offer you access to studying a larger range of subjects at more universities and locations. Direct program fees usually include housing, excursions, cultural activities, and a high level of on-site support.

Intensive language programs are an intense, immersive experience focused on mastering a foreign language. Intensive language programs are very flexible and highly customizable. They can be as little as two weeks long, and up to an entire summer or semester.

Faculty Led International Programs, or FLIPs, are programs that are organized and led by one or two NMSU faculty members. You will travel with the faculty members and a group of NMSU students. Programs typically focus on a single theme or academic discipline and are usually 1 to 3 weeks during spring break or the summer.

Internships are a great opportunity to earn hands-on experience in your field of study. You can complete an internship in combination with any of the above-listed program types, or you can do an internship on its own. Our internships are unpaid, but you will earn credit for the experience.

Virtual International Experiences give you the opportunity to add an international experience from your home base in the U.S. to your regular semester at NMSU. Earn 3 academic credit towards your degree while adding a global perspective to your professional work experience. Virtual international experiences include remote global internship placements and remote undergraduate research experiences at universities abroad.

International Student Teaching Program, or ISTP, allows education majors to complete pre-service teaching licensure requirements for all grade levels in Elementary, Secondary and Early Childhood. The International Student Teaching Program offers a unique opportunity to gain a broader perspective and understanding of education and teaching in a cross-cultural immersion environment!