Get Involved on Campus!

Welcome back to campus! Now that you are back in the U.S., we hope you will get involved with international activities at NMSU and encourage others to pursue international opportunities.

Education Abroad Ambassadors Club

The Education Abroad Ambassadors is an NMSU student organization that is sponsored by Education Abroad. This group of students acts as a buddy group to the incoming exchange students that are hosted each semester by Education Abroad. Functions for members of the club include assisting with the arrival weekend and orientation for each incoming group of exchange students, planning events throughout the semester for participation by club members, exchange students, and Education Abroad staff. Examples of activities/events include end of semester banquet and a group trip to White Sands National Park. The Education Abroad Ambassadors Advisor is also the Incoming Exchange Coordinator.


Internationalize Your Education

Consider adding an internationally focused major, minor, or certificate program to your studies. Undergraduate Majors

Undergraduate Minors


Benjamin A. Gilman Alumni Ambassador Program

The Benjamin A. Gilman Alumni Ambassador Program is a group of Gilman Scholarship recipients who have studied or interned abroad. Gilman Alumni Ambassadors serve as official representatives of the U.S. Department of State’s Gilman International Scholarship Program. They provide testimonials about their Gilman Scholarship experiences at campus presentations and offer application tips via written articles, videos, webinars, and special events. The Gilman Alumni Ambassadors have been trained by the Gilman Scholarship Program.


International Student Organizations

Meet international students who are from the country where you studied. NMSU has many international clubs and student organizations where you can meet these students.


Graduation Sashes

Order a graduation sash and represent your education abroad experience as you walk the stage at commencement. Email with any questions.


Share Your Experience

Remember all the questions you had before you went abroad? Your story can be a valuable tool to future study abroad participants! Sharing your education abroad experience can be a great way to reflect on your time abroad and can inspire other NMSU students by giving them a glimpse into the program or country where you studied at. We would love to work with you to make that possible! There are several ways for you to share your story:

Complete the alumni questionnaire on your Education Abroad account if you are open to providing your contact information to future participants; they can email you if they have questions.